Newborn Wellness Provided at Nyle Hospital
Entry of new life into the family doubles your joy, struggles and responsibilities. Parents face the real challenge of caring for the little bud. The first 2 years of a baby is one of the most important periods for providing proper care and concern from parents and well-wishers. Since infants’ growth and development seems to be very quick in the initial stage, expertise paediatric care along with regular monitoring is a must for each baby. Generally, the wellness schedule of paediatric visits is planned accordingly: 3 – 5 days after delivery and later at the 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24th months.
Need for Regular Check-ups
The purpose of such routine visits is that your kid will be assessed by the doctor for knowing whether the growth and development progresses in the normal phase. During each visit, newborn’s head circumference, weight and length will be measured and compared with the average values. If the measured values seem to be below the standard level, the paediatrician may suggest for improvisations in the diet and supplements. The following are the general wellness care followed by doctors:
Behavioural or psychological assessment of your baby is done by observing the infant’s actions and response for ruling out the behavioural issues of the kid.
Head-to-toe examination including eyes, ears, skin, mouth, heart, lungs, hips abdomen, genitalia and legs is done to authenticate that the baby is hale and healthy.
Otoacoustic emission (OAE) with auditory brainstem response (ABR) tests is carried out to screen hearing related disorders or issues.
Blood test is mandatory for newborns to detect the level of haemoglobin and metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism, sickle-cell disease or inherited disorders.
The baby may be tested for tuberculosis (TB), one of the common airborne infections causing fevers, cough, swollen glands, fast and heavy breathing, weight loss, night sweats and very poor growth in kids.
It is very essential to vaccinate the baby based on the vaccine chart recommended by your paediatrician. Vaccinations are precautionary steps that help to protect the baby from dreadful illnesses by preventing its arrival. The doctor examines the child for any sort of infection such as cold or fever before administering any vaccine.
The infant will be screened for any indications of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), kind of developmental disorders affecting child’s behaviour, motor and communication skills.
Baby may be subjected to lead screening test to check whether there is exposure to dangerous, high level of lead that is capable of affecting the behavioural and developmental growth.
Oral health examination is also done along with other essential screening tests.